A program that changed my life- Sadhanapada
Sadhanapada, a 7 months residential intense program offered by Sadhguru has changed my life for the better. I had forgotten to enjoy life just as it is, thanks to the program that I am quite able to be joyful without any external things or distractions. It has taught me the very basics of how to lead a Life joyfully and I wish everyone goes through Sadhanapada.
The only pre-requisite is that one should have completed the Inner Engineering program. More about My experience of Inner Engineering.
These 7 months have given me so much that I wonder if I would have got these realizations / learnings in 7 lifetimes at all. Below are a few realizations which have come by:
- Be it in my previous companies or any work for that matter I used to work efficiently but there was some amount of compulsiveness that I always ended up having a burn out time and again but these 7 months has brought me to a point where whatever activity I am given, I do it with 100% involvement. There is no compulsiveness and I am not attached to the work I just complete it to the best of my abilities.
- My likes and dislikes have come down and I indulge in what is needed to be done no matter what it is. I have come face to face with my limitations and I consciously work on them.
- During my freelancing stint, I did have sufficient time to do the Kriyas and practices at home but somewhere I would miss out on some Kriyas if I had more work to cater to. But in these 7 months I learnt how to manage my time and balance both the Sadhana and Seva(my departmental work). The first couple of months I struggled but after that it I could manage it with ease.
- My day started at 3 AM and ended by 9:30 PM but I could go through Sadhana, Seva, daily chores with utter ease. I never used to get completely exhausted, well probably at times a bit tired on certain days but I was vibrant enough to go about the work that was needed to be done
- Apart from Sadhana and Seva we took part in a various programs, festivals. The times when we danced, played some games it felt like I was a kid again and I involved myself without any inhibitions and reluctance.
- The joy of volunteering is truly exhilarating. To serve, help, support, to do an activity without expecting anything in return is something I learnt here in Isha. The fulfillment that I received here is far more than what I received in any job that I was paid for.
- There were of course certain challenging circumstances with people and work. These ordeals helped me to see through myself, my limitations and above all to be compassionate to the person at the other end and understand from his/her point of view. This was quite a struggle and also a revelation and it took me sometime to understand this. Whatever be the situation, it is actually how I perceive and respond to it.
- The entire program helped me to see myself as is without any false identifications. The walls, the boundaries I had built for my security just evaporated and I was bare facing things and this felt liberating. Not being in control is such a blessed thing for you are free. This made me realize that I had been such a fool growing up.
- I don’t need any reason to be happy, I am joyful always. There is a certain stillness or rather a distance that has come by with the mind and body.
- I was faced with a personal emergency during the program. As I went to meet my family, the way I responded and behaved was something out of the ordinary and I knew things had transformed within me for the better. Though it was an unfortunate incident, it actually helped me to evaluate my growth and impact of the program. There was a strong reluctance from relatives, acquaintances (not my parents thankfully) that I stay back for the family and not complete the program as they considered it to be some unnecessary time-pass or a lame thing which I was doing(this wouldn’t have been the case if I was working abroad or doing my masters in a far off place — probably these have some credibility in their eyes). Though I was hurt that they felt this way, my commitment to the program didn’t waver. I didn’t feel the need to explain this to anyone albeit my parents and I resumed the program for I knew this was for my Life.
Why am I sharing this with you all?
It is quite hard for me to articulate the happenings and experiences within me and I know I couldn’t do so even if I had all the gamut of words at my disposal. The challenges of life are many and may cripple you or may leave you dejected and lost but when you are on a constant journey of seeking the inner dimension, the life challenges won’t matter and you will be able to handle anything that comes your way with ease. Life will seem amazing and you will rightfully know how to enjoy a day! I want you all to experience this dimension of Life.
Open to all from all walks of life
Well if you are wanting to register for Sadhanapada and want to learn about the Tips and Guidelines, check out the links below.
Registration Link: https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/volunteer/sadhanapada
Further, please check Sadhanapada — Sadhanapada Tips and Guidelines on how best to prepare for the program. Read through this very descriptive post that would answer most of your queries!