Excitement or Consistency

Shwetha Krish
Nov 12, 2020

Which to choose or both to consider?

A person using a laptop with a notebook and tea mug on the table
PC: unsplash.com

We have surely worked on projects which were exciting to start with and then somewhere our excitement levels dropped and we stalled the project.

There could have been scenarios where you started something with excitement and you consistently worked on it each moment. Keeping in mind the task needed to be done at the moment in time and forged ahead irrespective of your excitement levels. That way you were able to accomplish quite a lot and also grow in your project / business.

Does this depend on our mindset and the way we choose to go ahead?

We may not be excited all the time but when we get to doing what needs to be done at the moment, we are independent of our thoughts, emotions isn’t it?

That way we are able to act in a liberating way and accomplish the tasks at hand.

What have been your experiences?

Do you resonate with this?

